I look at the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day.
Jon Foreman
Once when I was talking with a handful of friends, I said that it seemed to me that God was a hedonist who had purposefuly made a world that we could delight in. The world was filled to the brim with beauty, and we were made to enjoy its pleasures. God could have restricted colors to shades of grey; everything could have tasted to us like mashed potatoes. One of my friends looked at me strangely. He dismissed my thoughts with a scientific explanation of how we discern the colors we see and disciminate the flavors we taste.
I understood his perspective but felt like his perspective was limited by his training. If I see things the way that Jesus sees things, when I see another dimension to their physical reality. When I look at the flowers I see their beauty as an expression of God's love. There is a scientific explanation for how the flowers came to have the form and coloration that they have and a scientific explanation for how we perceive that form and coloration. But any explanation that ignores Jesus point of view, doesn't take into account the most significant reality of all: there is a creator of our world who loves it very much and has filled it with beauty, a beauty designed (among other things) for our enjoyment.