Saturday, February 16, 2013

Old and alone?

“Then you will say in your heart,
“Who has borne me these?
I was bereaved and barren,
exiled and put away—
so who has reared these?
I was left all alone—
where then have these come from?”
Isaiah 49: 22

God's beautiful promise to Judah is that her exile is not forever, that her exile does not mean that she is forgotten and unloved, and that as a nation she is not on the brink of about extinction.

But I think that these words are not just meant for the the Judah of the 8th century B.C. They can, and are even meant to, comfort those of us who are growing older and now feel alone. For those who believe their children are gone; who believe in their loneliness that it is as if their children had died or never been born.

God promises that the day is coming when Judah looks around and says, "Where have all these come from?" We will do the same. Children will be united with parents and parents with children and grandchildren. We are not alone.

But there's more. It's not just about a physical family.

I think that the promise for us is that through the grace of our God, we, who believe that our lives have, in the end, been meaningless, that we have helped no one, that we have been completely useless, will find that, to our great surprise, we have countless spiritual children. The time is coming when we will all be scampering about, full of joy at our reunion, at last realizing just what we have meant to each other and what we have meant to Him and what He means to us.

And we will know that we are not barren, neither are we bereaved.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The goal

With all my focus on doing well in school, doing well on the job, eating healthy, staying informed, etc., there are some things that I need to remember:

The goal is not:
1. To live long
2. To be the best student
3. To be the best teacher
4. To make the best grades
5. To know everything
6. To have all the answers
7. To be we'll respected
8. To get a certain job.
9. To make a certain kind of impact on people
10. To not be wasteful
11. To be safe
12. To be respectable
13. To have a good reputation
14. To make the most frugal use of money

The goal is:
To love the Lord our God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to love all others as I love myself. Everything bends to this.

Since this is my goal, I need to focus on God and others and not on all the things that I think that I need to do or learn or how I must position myself to "be a good servant." As to what I need to love Him and others, He will take care of all necessary arrangements. I must trust Him.

This is all a lesson that is very hard for me to learn, but I am so thankful that this is where He is taking us. He reigns and He will work this miracle within us - even in me!